Top Geos in Demand for Push notification ads

Geo- activated push notifications are sent to customers utilizing the information of their previous or recent location. Geolocation advertising, as such, implies utilizing the locality data of an individual to plan and execute promoting communications.  To gather this sort of data, the clients need to allow location services main. This information is then taken using different channels like GPS, IP address, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or cell towers. One of the kinds of geos is Geofencing, with this kind of targeting one can send notifications to consumers when they come in or leave a certain range or are near to a particular location. The key thought here is that the customer is on the travel and might benefit from receiving messages as they cross a selected virtual boundary and is good for brand-conscious campaigns. Geotargeting is too another mode that targets consumers who arrive inside of a clear geographic zone(town, zip radius) and who also come across certain standards based on their utilization behavior used for the app. It also benefits by hitting a particular target customer in a definite geographic location and is best for re-engagement, advertising, and consumer delight campaigns. Another category is Geoframing which allows aiming down to the meter-squared side by side. This provides marketers access to a wider rough level of targeting and eliminates users who ensue to merely pass through the edge. It also helps in providing target customers in actual-time and also when they return home and even don’t need easy opt-in from customers.

Top Geos which have massive potential for Push Inventory are US, UK, Canada, China, India and Germany.

UK Push Notification Traffic

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When you need to promote your business to users from a particular region then buying the geo-specific traffic package can help you with it. For reaching out to the users from UK you can buy the UK push notification traffic. Push notification have significant impact on bringing in your subscribers to your website. It is a small clickable pop up window that can carry your message to the users. The window can appear on any browser that the user may be using. He just needs to be subscribed to your UK based website and should agree to receive the push notification

Once your subscriber has agreed to receive the notification, the web server identifies the UK based users as per their location and then serves the push notification to them. You can easily design and customise the notification as per your requirement and also add multiple clickable links to it. 

 In the recent times many websites use the push notifications for promoting their special offers and any new feature they have introduced. The links added to the popup message can direct them to any offer page or to your website. It can help you to get the users to visit your website more frequently and retains them. To understand or to buy the traffic package for your website you can visit